
Arabana Native Title

Hi, I was asked a question about the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation. Please visit the link to find out in plain English the extent of Native Title rights the Arabana have regarding their Country. 


Arabana Aboriginal Corporation new web site launched!

Hi to anyone looking at this post. The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation finally have a live and active web site. Check it out at

Arabana exhibition a great success

Hi everyone, the Arabana art exhibition that was part of the South Australian Living Artists Festival was a ripper. Over the week, hundreds of people stopped for a look and thousands walked past having a quick glimpse whilst on their way to a lecture or tute! Thanks to all involved! 


Arabana Climate Change Communications Toolkit coming soon

Hi there, good news, the Arabana Climate Change Adaptation Communications Toolkit is coming soon. The web site will provide you with information about the project, provide access to spectacular images and raw video to help you communicate climate change adaptation into the future.


Long time no post

Hi ArabanaClimate (note the spelling)!

I got a hit, which prompted me to post! Thanks cliffsymposium2013

Been a long time no posting, not much interest or responses to past posts… that’s life!

The project is near complete. A new web site is about to go live called the ArabanaClimateChangeToolKit.

I will link this blog.

Climate change, it will be tough for Arabana people, that is the outcome of the project. Of course, you could have said, we could have told you that before you started! From what the western science says, from what the Arabana told and shown us, rapid climate change in Arabana Country is going to be difficult to deal with.

However, the adaptation plan approved by the Board of Directors should help make sure, the changes felt will hopefully be managed as well as can be.

Will post the new web site when it goes live.


Arabunna Climate Change science report in process of peer review

The report outlining climate change predictions for Arabunna Country has been drafted by Dr. John Tibby and is now in the process of being peer reviewed.

For all those who don’t know what peer review is, click on the link below for a brief article about what it means:

In short, a peer review will mean that the report will be checked by the authors equals (peers) to make sure it is up to scratch!

The climate change predictions will be presented to Arabunna people once the peer review process is complete.


Mail out done at last!

The mail out introducing the project to the Arabunna people is finally complete!

We had a last minute DVD burning issue which slowed us down, but all done now. This means, over 500 people have been sent a brochure and DVD introducing the project. Thank you to the Arabunna Ularaka Association and Stephen Kenny for providing the opportunity to send out the information.

If you come across anyone who mentions the brochure, make sure you remind them to get in touch and help write the adaptation plan!
